Why choose Geneqonline

Common online shopping practices:
When calling for information, you often encounter call center staff trained for customer service, but lacking detailed technical knowledge of the products in question.
Many of our specialists have hands-on experience in their respective fields, be it pharmaceutical or environmental research, civil engineering, construction or other. Our specialists routinely propose money-saving adjustments to customers’ orders.
Common online shipping practices:
Order and ship items separately from multiple stores, often sacrificing range of choice and product quality to save on shipping costs (especially for heavy items).
Transportation costs get reduced when we combine your items for shipment from our premises, or when we deliver from a warehouse near you. Whether we’re shipping heavy or fragile items, or a combination of both, we strive to broaden your choice by expanding the geographic horizons of your shopping
Quality Control
Common online quality control practices:
Looking for the best value based on personal research or blogger reviews.
As an authorized distributor of leading brands, we enjoy certain privileges on pricing, shipping and access to discreet product information. For example, we can inform you of an imminent product recall, or that the product you seek is discontinued, while the next year’s model is already available at the same price. Our advice is always free!
After Sales Service
Common online support practices:
Defective items must be returned to the manufacturer.
Our technical support team is always ready to provide after-sales service, including repair and calibration, for the duration of the warranty on your purchase.